Video: FIRE!

Video: FIRE!

Our training facility is located in Littleton CO, and we tend to do some cool stuff around here with all the climbing, ropes,  snowcats, ATV’s and snowmobiles.  But we are not the only ones to have a bit of excitement, and we happen to have a neighboring business that specializes in forensic engineering, AEI Corporation.

Controlled Burn

As part of their ongoing commitment to scientific research and continuing education they use various demonstrative testing and experiments to illustrate how the forensic process and scientific method are applied to origin and cause investigations. Using the results and data from these activities, they are able to  visibly point out in  video, and other data gathered the behavior and attributes of various events.Today in their parking lot, they used a controlled burn to simulate a small  apartment fire. The Littleton Fire Department was on hand with their equipment to take care of the blaze.




Kevin Carter

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